Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Joy of Predictable

Since moving to the new house, our family routine has become more of routine. Or rather a better routine. I don't think what we did before could be called routine, unless general everyday chaos is a routine. Then we had it covered, in a horrible disruptive mess.

One of our major accomplishments is that we are eating a home cooked meal each night. Now they're not yet the example of health and nutrition, but compared to our previous menu of fast-food-take-your-pics from the take out menu - we're are doing excellent.

Girlie's were getting quite picky about what they were eating, and unfortunately their preferences were becoming chicken nuggets and fries, with the occassional apple slice option tossed in just to easy mom's guilt. They were completely leaning to a carb and preservative diet. Very bad news.

But since we've moved to our new home cooked menu, the consistency has made them braver and more willing to try what mom makes. It could be that they just realized that dining out was no longer an option, and their growling tummy's were overtaking their stubborn denial of homecooking. Either way, its going well.

So here's our menu. It's a rough sketch and offers some variety or ease, whichever the day or week calls for, that makes menu planning easier.

Monday - Chicken night.
Tuesday - Taco Night
Wednesday - Pasta Night
Thursday - Fish Night (or Leftover Night)
Friday - Fun Food Night
Saturday/Sunday - Red Meat Weekends.

Like I said, the ultimate menu for each can be easy or creative. Shopping is easier too - practically making the entire list staples. Toss in some sides - rice/starch/pasta and a veggie and have tortillas/bread/frozen rolls on hand - Voila. Lovely stuff. Whoever knew?? :)

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