Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Baking..or something like it

So every since I saw cake pops over at Bakerella's , I've been dying to give it a try. So the girlies and I gave it a whirl. Not bad for a first try. I did completely underestimate the amount of chocolate necessary here.

Pink sprinkles were ala the girlies, of course. There's girlie 2 licking the bowl of chocolate. These treats are ultra-sweet. you only need only, very satisfying. And they're cute too!

We used the red velvet mix, cream cheese frosting and white chocolate. This was the first time we've had red velvet anything - isn't this a southern thing - but have wanted to try it out for a while now.

So no surprise that I didn't realize how messy this could be? Very dangerous since the old owners of the house we recently bought installed cream carpet in the dinette area!
See it in the background there? This winter has been very harsh to it. It goes all the way through the entry area!! Anyway, subject for another blog...

Next try is going to be carrot cake and cream cheese for our ladies social this Friday. Yum yum.

1 comment:

  1. Love this idea--and REALLY LOVE red velvet! Just checking in to tell you I am praying for you tonight as you prepare for surgery.
