Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Recap!

The Christmas weekend was a beautiful whirlwind of faith, family, friends and food!  All was as it should be.  The highlight of course was the debut of my very own little drummer boy at our Christmas Eve service playing the Mercy Me version of The Little Drummer boy.  He did such a fabulous job and astounded us all with his maturity in playing. 

His drums were covered like a giant wrapped present.  When it was his time to play, the worship team unwrapped his drums, and he walked up with his drumsticks, sat down and joined the band in playing the song.  The ooh's and aaah's from the rather large crowd was too much.  I'm going to gush here:  his timing was on point, he maintained the kick on the song, he built up his playing at the appropriate times, and amazingly for an excitable little boy, brought it back down at the end for the finish.

He was soo sweet as people came up to him to tell him what a good job he had down.  So properly he said "Thank you. Merry Christmas".  This mama was proud.  So very proud.

Of course he is three years old, was tired and overwhelmed after all of the hoopla, and didn't make playing the second service.  Although as they uncovered the drums the second service you could here a little voice from the back saying, "I don't WANT to play the drums!" followed by crying.

That's okay little one.  You did awesome for your first time, in front of a large audience, and after all those rehearsals and the nervous energy from the rest of the team going on.  You are only 3 after all, and we love you.

Through all of this I realized so many things: 
  • My children are their own persons.  Gifted and anointed by God with talents and abilities that have absolutely nothing to do with me.  He has a plan for them and will bless others through them. 
  • Children do not have the fears, anxieties and self-doubts that we adults carry in ourselves, or for them! How awesome!
  • Sometimes you need to let go and let your kids do what they were made to do.  The are much better equipped than you think to do really great things.
  • When you start to wonder if you're doing a good job with your children, they display a maturity, kindness and behavior that is beyond their years.
  • And just when you think maybe they're growing up faster than you're ready for, they fall apart and need you to just hold them and tell them it's alright. 
Through it all I know I am blessed to be a part of their histories and have the awesome privilege to do some good for them, to love them thoroughly and make sure they know of a little baby born one day to give His life so that they could live their own to the fullest.

For all these reasons, I am sitting back by the Christmas tree today, sipping my coffee and knowing I am truly blessed.

Merry Christmas to you all.  I pray you are all reflecting and feeling the warmth of your blessings this day.

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