Monday, August 20, 2007

Happy B-Day Girlie 1

Girlie 1 turned 5 today! I cannot believe it's been 5 years since our little sunshine arrived. I can't believe it's only been 5 years!! I can't remember what it was like not having her around. I wouldn't want to.

I've had these moments of anxiety. You could chalk it up to the pregnancy hormones, and that's likely it, but I just have these moments when I just want to round her back up, homeschool her, anything to keep her close and to keep the influences of the world just plain away.

What a scary realization - that her going to kindergarden will forever affect who she is, what she knows, and what she'll become. I don't like it. Not today anyway. I know all the other working mom's around me are convinced, or maybe they are still trying to convince themselves, when they tell me it's time to let go, let her move forward, let her move on.

Are you kidding me?? She's 5. She's still my little, so little, girl. No I don't like that advice today.

But then, today isn't about me, is it :)

It's my little girlie's b-day. And she is so proud to be 5. She is the most generous little heart too. She got two Barbie's for her b-day. And without batting an eye, she gave one to her sister so they could play together. She told her she could use it until it's her b-day and then she can give it back when she get's her own.

Is this really my child? :)

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